The Strongest, Most Trusted Gearbox in the Industry
At Valley® Irrigation, our mission is to provide you with the most durable irrigation supplies in the industry. That’s why Valley is the only center pivot company that produces its own gearboxes. The industry-leading Valley gearbox is life-tested and quality checked throughout the process to ensure we are constructing the most reliable and structurally sound gearbox available.

Valley Gearbox Features
Valley Gearbox Specifications
Smarter irrigation begins with smart panels.
Valley offers a full line of easy-to-use control panels, including the Valley ICON® series of smart panels. Whether you’re buying a new pivot, upgrading your existing control panel or changing over from another brand of pivot, you save time and gain confidence from the intuitive, full-color touchscreen interface.
Our control panels are designed to withstand the most extreme temperatures, high humidity and transient voltage requirements. They provide you with uninterrupted performance and durability to keep your center pivots running year after year.

Top-of-the-Line Center Pivot for Long, Durable Life
It doesn’t matter if your field is large or small, rely on our Model 8000 center pivot to help you manage your farming operation and give you one less thing to worry about.